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Author page: Anthony Aquan-Assee

My Thoughts on Death

Death and taxes can’t be prevented.  With improvements in technology we have built our society up to make our lives easier. We are also trying to find ways to escape this fear of death. Improvements in health care - are they really improvements or are they just ways to delay the inevitable - death ? …

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Natural Healing

Medicine is all about pharmaceuticals that have been manufactured. These pharmaceuticals are not natural but there are many other natural treatments that are much better for you.  For example, CBD and THC are from the cannabis plant and have been found to be a natural treatment for many health conditions. Natural treatments are much better…

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True Health Lies Within

Health is much more than the absence of illness. It involves learning to live responsibly, which in essence is living in a way that promotes an internal state which helps to prevent illness. True health comes from within and not from a drug prescribed by a doctor. The human body is a magnificent creation born with all…

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Laser Therapy and TBI

I first learned about Laser Therapy in 2016 from my sleep doctor. "Huh?" My eyebrows came together in confusion when she told me I should try Laser Therapy. "What's Laser Therapy ?", I questioned. "Here," she handed me a pamphlet on Laser Therapy. “Take this home to read.”  I then went to Dr. Kahn's Laser Therapy clinic in Etobicoke. Check…

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Water fluoridation

Health Drops Water Fluoridation in Canada - Water fluoridation is the practice of adding fluoride to the public water for the purposes of reducing tooth decay. - Fluoride is linked to many health problems including: * Neurological problems (***Brain Injury Survivors need to be aware of this). * Dental Fluorosis - White and brown spots on the teeth from too…

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