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Raising Brain Injury Awareness

Brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability for Canadians under the age of 40.

An acquired brain injury in Canada is 44 times more common than a spinal cord injury, 30 times more common than breast cancer, and 400 times more common than HIV/AIDS. Every single hour, twenty Canadians will suffer a brain injury. 

Sadly, Brain injury receives far less funding nationally than does any one of the above issues, provincially.

Brain injury is a silent epidemic and the only known cure is prevention. 

We may never eliminate the devastation experienced following a Brain Injury but we can reduce its incidence and impact by raising awareness and providing more financial support to those who have experienced the horrors that come with a Brain Injury.

Unfortunately, my family has also experienced the tragedy that comes with Cancer. 

Throughout this awful experience, we were fortunate to receive much support to help us as we navigated our way through a diagnosis of a Stage 4, Terminal Cancer. 

We learned first hand, that there is a huge funding difference between Cancer and a Brain Injury. 

For example, Cancer Care Ontario is now part of Ontario Health, an agency created by the Government of Ontario with a mandate to connect and coordinate our province’s health care system to help ensure that Ontarians receive the best possible care.

Imagine if there was a branch of the Provincial Government who focussed solely on helping Brain Injury Survivors and their families receive the best possible care and support. 

I think more Survivors would be in a better position to “Rethink, Redo, and Rewire” their brains to cope with their trauma. 

The first step toward change is awareness.” ~ By: Nathaniel Branden


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