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My Greatest Enemy


My greatest challenge is overcoming my own Brain.

I have learned that I am NOT my Brain and that I am much more than my Brain.

My brain is a tool that I use to interact with my environment.

Sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury forced me to learn that I need to use my Brain and NOT have my Brain use ME.

Unfortunately, my Brain uses me a lot and tries to control me.

This frequently leads to various challenges such as anxiety, sleep problems and other mental challenges.

I am trying to teach my brain new programs that will put an end to my challenges.

FYI – Music is an incredible energy that helps me to overcome any barrier in my life.

Music enables me to connect with the heartbeat of the Universe and forget about the noise in my own brain.

Therefore, my Drug of choice is “MUSIC.”

“Always Believe” 🙏

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