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Anxiety is a very common challenge after someone sustains a Brain Injury.

A Brain Injury causes much doubt, uncertainty and not knowing.

It is this uncertainty and doubt that may result in anxiety.

In fact, the feelings of anxiety are a survival mechanism to try to ensure that our feelings of uncertainty do not lead to another catastrophic situation.

This unfortunately leads to more anxiety.

Anxiety is a big challenge for me. 

Even though my motorcycle accident damaged the sleep center in my brain, I also know that anxiety also contributes to my sleep challenges.

The sleep challenges that I have further exacerbate my feelings of anxiety and this becomes a vicious cycle.

Strategies that I use:

(1) Practice Mindfulness:

When I am mindful of my anxious feelings, I become more aware of thoughts, actions and situations that contribute to my anxiety.

(2) Play or listen to music:

When you play or listen to music, it takes concentration and mindfulness

This helps you block out all the negative self-talk that many people engage in. 

(3) Try to take life one moment at a time to reduce the chances of feeling overwhelmed. 

“Always Believe”  🙏

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